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Artisan Environmental work in close partnership with UKAS Accredited laboratories to provide a range of air testing services. Qualified analysts holding the BOHS 'P403: Asbestos Fibre Counting' and 'P404: Air Sampling and Clearance Testing of Asbestos' are able to deliver on-site results and certification from a fleet of mobile laboratories.

Typical types of air testing carried out include:

Background Air Monitoring; Carried out to establish airborne fibre concentrations prior to any activity that may lead to asbestos contamination or in specific areas with known, particularly damaged, asbestos containing materials.

4-Stage Clearance Testing; Carried out following the removal of asbestos based materials [usually notifiable materials such as insulation boards, insulation and coatings) under fully controlled conditions. Enables a certificate of reoccupation to be issued to reassure those reoccupying the area that it is safe to do so.

Leak Air Monitoring; Carried out outside an enclosure/ work area while work is in progress. It is undertaken to verify that the control measures are adequate in controlling asbestos fibre release to the outside.

Reassurance Air Monitoring; Conducted to determine asbestos fibre concentrations upon completion of the assessment of site for reoccupation. It is also undertaken after the removal of non-notifiable asbestos containing materials [such as vinyl floor tiles, cement products, textured coatings) or following the disturbance of suspected or identified asbestos containing materials.

Personal Air Monitoring; Personal Air Monitoring is carried out to assess whether or not the personal exposures of workers comply with the relevant control limits and to determine the suitability of respiratory protective equipment being used.

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